Preserving Butte’s unique architectural heritage
Get Involved
Attend a Butte CPR board meeting. Meetings are held at the Butte CPR office at 27 W. Park St. The public is welcome to join.
Email or see our events page for meeting information.
Office Hours
We are open Mondays10:30 - 1:30 or by appointment.
Butte Citizens for Preservation and Revitalization (Butte CPR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the many historic buildings of Butte, Montana - the largest historic landmark district in the nation.
Butte CPR works to preserve historic buildings by awarding grants; conducting educational tours, workshops, and lectures; providing volunteer labor; and serving as a preservation advocate with local government, business, and civic groups.
Since its founding in 1994, Butte CPR has had a positive impact on dozens of buildings, both residential and commercial.
Butte CPR does the heavy lifting in the Historic Landmark District. They fund restoration, provide access to historic properties through their Dust to Dazzle tours, interpret and bring to life the engaging history of buildings and houses — all of which enriches our story and promotes our history. - Ellen Crain
Historic Homes Tour
Each year we host the Dust To Dazzle tour, usually in June. Click here to view the 2024 tour.
MOving History forward
Restoring Butte one building at a time.
Learn more at
The Story of Butte
Heritage tourism in the digital age
We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana's cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund.
Butte CPR is also funded in part by
Butte-Silver Bow’s Superfund Advisory and Redevelopment Trust Authority.